The most anticipated ACADEMIC event of the year


OSCERun is JCUMSA’s new initiative, beginning in 2024 to give 4th and 5th year clinical students the opportunity to practice OSCEs in a sandbox judgement-free environment.

What’s Involved?

Ever yearned for more OSCE practice? Perhaps ChatGPT is getting a bit dull to talk to? Well, this year JCUMSA is kicking off an ambitious brand new project called “OSCERun” designed to give 4th and 5th years from across TSV/MKY/CNS an authentic OSCE sandbox experience on a semi-regular basis. Starting the 4th of April, the plan is to continue fortnightly on Thursday nights depending on how the pilot is received, with content and stations drafted entirely by 6th years, reviewed by the CMD (where possible) and delivered across all clinical sites in a format similar to the real thing. 

Reminiscent of our pre-existing “Mock OSCE Nights”, each night will feature 4 completely unique high yield stations, with 2 sessions catering to between 8-16 candidates at each site per night. Volunteer assessors will be 6th years, with your volunteer patients a mix of fellow peers across the years. Desensitisation therapy is the goal here, and we think it should be a bit of fun for all involved. The stations will then be followed by a 50 minute debrief session/presentation on how to best approach the stations, and some worked MCQ/KFPs, which anyone (including those that may have missed out on participating as candidates) can join in remotely. All slides and marking criteria will be distributed out to students afterwards.

Sign ups for the upcoming sessions are available on this webpage down below.

Current Schedule

Information for Participants


  • The links to access the Google Drive folders with all the information provided to assessors, volunteers and candidates, including the debrief session Zoom link recording is available below (will be updated with links after each session):
    • 04/04/24: Google Drive folder
    • 04/04/24: Link to Debrief Presentation Recording (Passcode: x*u&e1C^)
  • There will be a total of 4 buzzers per 12 minute station as outlined above and proceed according to the station numbers in a sequential order (1–>2–>3–>4–>1) for your designated colour (red or blue)
    • 0 minutes (start of station buzzer)
    • 2 minutes (2 minute reading time ends/start of station time)
    • 10 minutes (end of 8 minutes station time)
    • 12 minutes (end of 2 minutes feedback time/start of next station’s reading time)
  • Please bring a laptop or phone that can connect to Zoom for the debrief session if you’re in CNS/MKY (Zoom link is publicly available on the JCU Joint Health Club Calendar which you can add to your calendar; only join after 6:30pm)
  • We are aware of the different expectations for 4th vs 5th years as well as the fact that many students may not have covered some of the station content at all yet – you’re welcome to just give it a go even if you don’t get very far anyway
  • By participating in all four stations, you go into the draw to win a 3 month-Oscer Prime voucher which will be announced at a later date and if OSCERun continues an exciting end-of-year mystery prize for the participant you gets involved with the most OSCERun sessions


  • Please sign up to session(s) you are available for using the form below
  • If successful, you will be contacted (1) week prior to the scheduled event date with details regarding the event
  • Please be at the venue by 4:30 at the latest (preferably 4:15 to help set up the rooms)
  • Please ensure you bring a device that has capability to connect to Zoom as well as a speaker with good volume (the station timings will be run through Zoom to ensure everyone is sitting the stations at the exact same time); the link to join is on the JHCC Calendar linked above as well as on the JCUMSA homepage
  • 6th years are eligible for 2 CPD points per 2-hour OSCERun night attended (total 2hours/night or 4:30-6:30pm)


  • Please follow the directions of your OSCERun Site Coordinator (listed above) when you arrive as they will help put you in the right room which should be set up for you
  • Feel free to dress up, put on accents or turn your patient role into something of a theatrical endeavour, but please keep to the script given as it’s important everyone gets somewhat of a similar experience (listen carefully to your allocated 6th year assessor about the way they want to run things during the actual mock OSCEs)
  • Be aware of the different expectations for 4th vs 5th years as well as the fact that many students may not have covered some of the station content at all yet
  • You are eligible for 2 CPD points (for MBBS6 students) if you stay for the whole night from 4:30-6:30pm

Candidate Registrations for Upcoming Session

Volunteer Assessor EOIs for OSCERun S01 & S02

Volunteer Patient EOIs for OSCERun S01 & S02